Auto Accidents Thumb Injuries

Hand and wrist injuries are common occurrences in auto collisions.  Injuring the thumbs, especially at the web of the hand between the thumb & the second finger is especially common in auto collisions as the thumbs grip and wrap around the steering wheel.  This often occurs when the body is thrown forward, with force passing through the arms into the hands as the driver is holding onto the steering wheel, especially if the driver braces for impact. 

Part of the complication involved with healing of the thumb and hands is that that thumb and hands are frequently required for our activities of daily living, and must be used regardless of injury.  Depending on how frequent and strenuous your typical activities are, this can significantly impact healing and activity modifications may be necessary to prevent aggravation or additional injury. 

Movement of the thumb and hand in a pain-free range is a safe way to start exercising after swelling and inflammation have decreased.  As healing progresses, light grip and strengthening exercises can be added. 

Chiropractic care is an effective treatment for thumb injuries along with other auto injuries.  Your Chiropractor will be able to assess your injuries and provide treatment, exercise instruction, and activity modifications appropriate for your injuries.  Contact our chiropractic clinic in SE Portland, or Aloha / Beaverton, OR if you have been injured in an auto accident. 
