Chiropractic Care during COVID19 Pandemic

The world is suffering from the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but life continues as do unexpected aches and pain.  However, in this time of pandemic, a normal doctor visit for treatment of pain is a much riskier proposition.  Chiropractic is well positioned to help in this difficult time whether that you were injured from an auto collision or at work. 

Hospitals are needed for life threatening diseases and injuries, and many are currently positioned to treat COVID-19 infections.  Musculoskeletal aches and pains can be very uncomfortable and intrude on your life and can become severe enough you may be tempted to visit the emergency room, urgent care, or medical doctor for something to ease the pain.  However, as allopathic medicine is focused on treating COVID-19 at this time, visiting an emergency room, urgent care, or medical doctor carries the risk of infecting yourself and others.  While the emergency room is still necessary for life threatening conditions, many aches and pains come from the muscles and joints and are not life threatening.  Chiropractic focuses on the treatment and care of musculoskeletal conditions and can provide relief from aches and pains whether from acute injuries or chronic, longer term problems. 

Chiropractic care is beneficial for a wide variety of conditions and symptoms including but not limited to muscle and joint pain, stiffness, achiness, restriction, tingling, numbness, cramping, spasm, and headache.  Chiropractors treat not just the neck and back, but the arms, legs, hands, fingers, feet, and toes.

Rest assured, in our office in Aloha and Portland, OR we are taking steps to ensure your safety and minimize risk from COVID-19.  Some procedures include regular disinfection of treatment tables, equipment, and door knobs for each patient.  Additionally, patients are screened for fever and symptoms prior to each visit.  As Chiropractic is not directly involved in the treatment of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and our patients are screened for symptoms, Chiropractic care presents a lower risk profile for contraction of COVID-19 than allopathic medical care at this time.

If you are suffering from musculoskeletal symptoms and need treatment, consider taking the burden off of the currently overwhelmed allopathic medical system and visiting your Chiropractor for treatment. 

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