Decompression Therapy

Motor vehicle collisions can lead to a variety of conditions ranging from mild to severe.  One such condition that is common is a disc related problem.  A patient will present with low back pain and may also be experiencing symptoms into one or both of their legs.  If the pain is caused by the disc, decompression therapy can be used.

Decompression therapy is a useful intervention to help stretch the tissue and can help to rehydrate discs.  Gently pulling vertebrae apart can create a vacuum effect and help a bulging/herniated disc reposition into a normal position.  Typically applied mechanically, decompression therapy holds the upper body in a fixed position and gently pulls down on the pelvis by way of a belt.

Disc herniations and bulging discs are the most common indication for decompression therapy in the lumbar region.  Patients typically undergo a thorough examination and if a disc bulge is suspected, decompression therapy can be used.  Patients with disc problems often times present with local low back pain and radiating symptoms into one or both legs.  Patients with disc herniations have interrupted nerve function in the legs.  Reflexes may be limited or less reactive, sensation may be diminished and muscle strength may be decreased.

Caution should be exercised when there are other diagnoses that are still likely.  These other conditions include: Instability of the low back region, spinal fractures and acute sprains and strains.  If decompression therapy is applied to one of these condition states, it can cause an aggravation of the symptoms; therefore, see your Chiropractor for an examination.
