Desk Ergonomics

Many people have jobs that require them to sit for extended periods of time using a computer. If your work requires sitting at a desk working on a computer, it's important to adjust the position of your equipment to best suit your needs. Be sure your monitor is adjusted to the proper height so prolonged flexion or extension of the neck can be avoided. The keyboard should be mounted and adjusted to a proper height so the shoulder muscles don't have to be elevated to reach it. If a mouse is used for the computer set up it should be within reach of your hand and you shouldn't need to reach to use it. If you find yourself slouching forward, be sure to utilize the Bruegger's Postural relief stretch (discussed in a previous health tip) to help alleviate muscle imbalance.

By slightly bracing your core throughout the day you are able to alleviate pressure on your low back by creating balance. Your postural muscles in the low back are contracting when you are upright and your abdominal muscles contracting at the same time create balance. People that are sedentary or spend too much time sitting during the day become reliant on their low back muscles and bones to maintain their upright position. Making your office desk more ergonomic and maintaining good sitting posture will help reducing the risk of work injury and maintaining good health. Consult your chiropractor if you have symptoms around the neck, shoulder or back.
