Post-Auto Accident Spinal Health: Understanding the Curves of the Neck & Back

Post-Accident Spinal Changes

There are normal curves in the neck and low back called lordosis that help provide flexibility to the spine. Following an auto accident, these curves can flatten out due to injury to ligaments of the spine. Flattening out of these curves helps to reduce shear forces, which can lead to sliding of the bones with reduced ligament support.

Impacts of Flattened Spinal Curves

However, this can lead to problems as the benefits of the lordosis in the neck and low back are lost when the neck and back curves flatten. These lordosis normally reduce the muscle effort required to hold the body upright, as well as cushion the spine from impact during activities. When the lordotic curves of the neck and back flatten out and decrease, the center of body mass moves forward. To keep your body upright and in balance, the muscles of the back work harder and this results in increased compressive force on the discs of the spine.

Senior man hurting his back

Addressing Pain & Symptoms After an Accident

The increased force on the discs can lead to early wear and arthritis if unaddressed. The increased contraction and effort of the muscles contributes to tightness and muscle pain following an auto accident.
Contact your Chiropractor if you have been injured in an auto accident.

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