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How to Know if Your Car Crash has Caused a Concussion and What You Can Do about It

You might think that you have to hit your head to get a concussion. However this is not necessarily true. A blow to the head causes a concussion because the...

Dolor de Espalda al Sentarse Despues de un Accidente Automovilistico

El dolor de espalda es un problema común después de accidentes automovilísticos. Muchas personas se sientan durante períodos prolongados en el trabajo. Un...

Back Pain with Sitting after an Auto Accident

Back pain is a common problem following auto accidents. Many people sit for prolonged periods at work. An issue that many encounter is that this back pain...

Radiografias Tomadas Despues de una Colision Automovilistica

Las fuerzas generadas durante una colisión de vehículo motorizado crean movimientos violentos y antinaturales que resultan en lesiones de tejidos blandos del...

The Uses and Benefits of Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound is such a useful therapy for helping to address damage to muscles and ligaments that occur in trauma such as motor vehicle collisions and...

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Painful woman awakening and feeling back pain
Chiro Care
Mature African-American women in city, exercising
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